
baked eggs monday

really proud of my self for making a super delicious vegan dinner last night. mexican lasagna, kale
salad with friend polenta croutons and for dessert - baked peach crumble. this morning i woke up with
 an idea to use some left overs and make baked eggs. kale, tomatos, cilantro my favorite hot sauce, left
over palenta croutons (that have softened up just a bit) ground round, mushrooms and my favorite new
spice Davids Special Steak Rub. i don't cook steak, i wouldn't know where to begin but i do like to add
 this rub when cooking mushrooms or any kind of veggies. 
this week i'll be working on making some baked doughnuts and perfecting a vegan caesar salad dressing. 
just sayin!

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